Westover Town Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Steve Austen, has written to the Group manager (Environment) at Sedgemoor District Council with his concerns about the impact of recent high tides on the riverbank in the ward, particularly at Blake Gardens. Cllr Austen said “ If you stand at the Broadway bridge and look towards the town bridge you will see that the bank on the left by Blake Gardens is falling into the Parret – I am concerned that a) this will again reduce the flow, b) could in time affect the path and c) affect the outflow of water into the Parret from Durleigh Brook .”
Phil Perkins, replying on behalf of Sedgemoor, said “During the recent heavy rainfall and the increased flows in the river a small section of bank has slumped near to the Blake Gardens footpath adjacent to the river. The Environment Agency have been informed and there will be an inspection at low tide on 28th March. The flow in the river does not appear to be restricted by the slump but the bank will be monitored. There have been several bank slips on the river over the past few weeks which are being monitored. Sedgemoor District Council have inspected the area and will be erecting a temporary fence in the location affected”