Planning applications for Bridgwater are considered by the Town Council’s planning panel for comment and then decided at Sedgemoor District Council’s Development Control committee. Non contentious decisions can be decided by the Planning officers but in these cases the role of the ward councillors can be crucial because if our views are different to the recommendations of the planning officer the matter is forced to go to committee for decision and can’t simply be nodded through.
Members of the public can view applications on the town councils ‘Planning Website’ (or in person by arrangement with the Planning Officer) and can make comment directly. However, as your ward councillors we would urge you to also raise your concerns over specific planning applications – either for or against-with us as well.
The current applications relevant to the Westover Ward are listed below.
Demolition of existing buildings, erection of four storey building to form 37 retirement apartments, communal facilities and car parking.
Planning Application Number: 08/14/00037
Conversion of former dental surgery and flat into 7 one bedroom apartments.
Planning Application Number: 08/14/00035
Replacement of window with door to West elevation of community centre and formation of outside seating area, formation of car ramp to link the centre’s car park with the public car park
Planning Application Number: 08/14/00036