Town Police Forum : August Update

Cllr Tim Mander with mayor Jacqui Solomon meeting Police in Bridgwater Town Centre

Bridgwater Town Council held a productive meeting with the local Police Team and Town Wardens this Wednesday 21st August.  The quarterly meeting gives Council members and officers the chance to cross examine the Police and raise the concerns of residents and traders. Cllr Brian Smedley, leader of the Town Council, said “We are committed to working with the Police, and the new Police & Crime Commissioner, Clare Moody. That means involving the Community and putting pressure on the new Government to deliver on it’s Law and Order promises. Here in Bridgwater that partnership is coming on and these updates are crucial for bringing the community with us.”  The meeting was chaired by Cllr Tim Mander (Westover) who summed up the points covered as follows:

Police in the town centre ‘more frequently’

RailwayStation ASB

  • ASB at Bridgwater Railway Station – following an approach from RMT members who work at the Railway Station Cllr Mick Lerry raised concerns over anti-social behaviour attributed to a number of youngsters. It was confirmed action was been taken by British Transport helped by the local beat team a number of individuals had been identified and this would be followed up. Any future concerns should be directed to the British Transport Police.

Street Drinkers

  • Update on Street Drinkers – On the whole the problem had lessened with the normal group of 10-12 have been split into much smaller, much less intimidating numbers.
Town Wardens patrolling our streets


  • Update on Youth Issues – The Police confirmed that action had been taken against a number of key ring leaders with court cases scheduled for early September. There was a twofold approach of enforcement and engagement with efforts being made to reach out to youngsters, many of whom had chaotic home lives. The case of late-night Town Centre disturbance on Sunday 11th August was highlighted and the Police promised to check this out and confirm what the outcome of the two 999 calls was.
Britains has traditionally been very good at dealing with the far Right…

Far Right

  • Action to deter the Far Right – the Police confirmed that the response to any future event was now intelligence led. They had some assistance from a neighbouring force particularly in light of a potential threat to the asylum hotel at North Petherton where for a number of days the residents had lived in a state of near terror.  It did seem like the atmosphere had calmed a bit in recent days.  Cllr Smedley added “On the night that the Far Right were organising to attack various Asylum accommodations I visited the local one and just one person had turned up telling he ‘i was told to be here at 7 but nobodies here!’. Evidence that the whole thing is being driven by online agitators and very unlikely to be local.  There was no attack but the threat did scare the residents, many who had fled from violence in their homelands. However, Bridgwater can be proud of itself that people were much more sensible here and long may it stay that way.”
PCC Claire Moody visited Bridgwater as her first stop

Community Engagement

  • PCC Community Engagement – the PCC was proposing to hold an event in Taunton but would be inviting representatives from the various different communities across Bridgwater. Town Councilor’s will be asked to suggest appropriate organisations or individuals. Cllr Smedley added “There will also be a Bridgwater event on September 6th and we would like to use this as an opportunity to get a wide cross section of the community involved.”

Police Numbers

  • Police Staffing update – although a couple of PCSO’s from the Town Neighbourhood Team were likely to be leaving the team, however no date had been set and at the moment the current was slightly overstaffed.
Town Council and Police will work together as partners to make Bridgwater safe

Crime Report

  • Crime Report Update – figures for the Town Centre Beat Team were given however it was pointed out that this did not cover Eastover/Sydenham or Bridgwater West so Sgt Kat Forrest agreed to furnish full information but with regard to the figures we were given Morrisons; Aldi and B&M were shoplifting hotspots. It was agreed that Rob Semple would write to Morrisons and point out that some cameras don’t work and maybe there is more that Morrisons could do.

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